• Wightman Community Center (map)
  • 5604 Solway Street
  • Pittsburgh, PA
  • 15217

Sunday, August 12th Milonga de Connection featuring Pancho Cloutier from Montreal is an accomplished dancer, instructor, and recent finalist in Canada's preliminaries for the tango mundial. 

Sunday, August 12th
7:00pm-8:00pm: Tango Lesson (All level) by Pancho $10
8:00 pm-11:00pm: Milonga (Performance by Pancho & Micaela)
$10 Guest DJ: Pancho

Pancho will be teaching pre-milonga class from 7-8pm for all level for an extra $10 fee. 

Simple refreshments and snacks will be served.
Where: Wightman Community Center 5604 Solway Street Pittsburgh, PA 15217